STEX // SCOUTING FOR AN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY PARTNER --------------------------------------------------------------- SOURAV/STEX : Just to let you know that we are looking for a Technology Project partner for the VIASATF Project. project details at Can you guys help us in the Process of scouting for a, Technology partner who would work with us as a project stakeholder. "There Would be a small stake type reward for the team that help us out - in this SCOUTING Process !" To start with - can you connect us to GOOGLE/APPLE/IBM/ORACLE/ATOS/HP/MICROSOFT. There appears to be no Industrial Communication Channel available, to contact GOOGLE/APPLE/IBM/ORACLE/ATOS/HP/MICROSOFT. If you could find a Technology Partner apart from the above mentioned, like OVH/WINHOST/MONGO ATLAS/NODE JS.ORG/STUDIO 3T/ OR A SMALL INDUSTRIAL ENGG FIRM, WE ARE OPEN TO THAT AS WELL. Just for your Information APPLE AND MICROSOFT have rejected this APP on their app stores, citing reasons which are not Fair play standards. Google has currently allowed it on their playstore.[ However Google has warned of an app Review, citing changes in their Company policies ]. The case is simple: All apps listed on playstores built with a certificate that identifies the APP builder. If the App is unhealthy or displays malicious activity, the onus or the burden OF RESPONSIBILITY lies on the App builder. [ It is the responsibility of the APP builder and not the store operator/owner, to give the user a responsible APP/APPLICATION. If an app issue is escalated, the case could be easily redirected to the app owner for further clarifications ! ] Our experience suggests that, those advocating sub standard or unfair practises, of not allowing "WORK TO HAPPEN in a FAIR WAY" are automatically marked as "UNFIT TO LIVE" for their Afterlives. [ Ofcourse The concepts of Heaven/Hell - do not exist anymore, but the concept of AFTERLIVE, does ! There are obviously systems in place to monitor and note unreasonable deviations in the Human Realm. -The system is popularly called the MATRIX. There are also parameters that measure I/O Inputs and Outputs - Implying How much did you take as an INPUT and Howmuch did you give Back as an OUTPUT. Therefore, WE DO WORK UNDER TOUGH, UNFORGIVING CIRCUMSTANCES TOO, SOMETIMES WITHOUT THE GUARANTEED WORK REWARDS ! ] Want to Know more ? TALK TO SOURAV/STEX ! :) --------------------------------------------------------------- SOURAV/STEX FREELANCE : Enterprise Architect/Systems Architect. STEX EMAIL: SOURAV.STEX@YAHOO.COM EMAIL2: COMMERCIAL@STEXINTERNATIONAL.COM PHONE: +919586242067 --------------------------------------------------------------